Roshan Kal Academy Registrations with partner companies

Subject: Roshan Kal Academy Registrations with partner companies

Dear University Partners,

PepsiCo Pakistan has launched its Roshan Kal Academy in collaboration with industry partners across Pakistan, like Nestle, Ismail Industries and PTCL. Roshan Kal Academy will be one of a kind program designed to go beyond skills training. It equips young minds with in-depth industry knowledge and targeted professional development, regardless of background. This levels the playing field, giving every student the chance to thrive.

The Academy consists of a 10-part online Modules in the areas of:

1.Personal Development: Will upskill students on building confidence and refining their personal brand

2.Industry Knowledge: Getting a head start on business acumen and industry trends

3.Skill Development: Mastering essential soft skills to become market-ready

There are limited spots available. Please circulate this in your student body and ask them to register for the academy.

Registration Link: